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How to stand out in your first week as a Customer Service Advisor

Starting a new job is an exciting time. But there is an element of uncertainty with any new venture. No doubt there’s going to be lots to absorb in the first week, from learning your colleagues’ names to getting to grips with the products and services you’ll be selling.

As well as taking in all this information, there’s one more thing you should be shooting for in your first week. And that’s leaving your manager thinking they’ve made a good decision bringing you on board. We’re here to help you with that. So let’s dive straight into four tips that will help you stand out in your first week.

1 - Show that you’re willing to put the work in

You’ll have heard the phrase, ‘First impressions are the most lasting’, and we couldn’t put it any better. Week one is your chance to show your colleagues and managers what you’re made of.

At Admiral, we look out for people that are hard-working and resilient. Why? Because we enjoy nothing more than seeing our people deliver an exceptional experience for customers. Now your first week might not involve as much customer interaction as the following weeks, but that’s not to say you can’t show your commitment. Bring your A-game, grab every chance to learn something new and get involved.

2 - Show that you’re target driven

The best sign of an employer that wants you to achieve is one that sets you targets. In a Customer Advisor role, this will mean letting your customers know about the products and services that will help them, and then guiding them through the sale. It could also mean upselling and really stepping into that advisor role, so they make a decision that is right for them. In the employer’s eyes, the sign of a good employee is someone who is inspired by these targets.

We think that realistic targets are the key to staying motivated and at the top of your game. Working with us, you’ll finish every week knowing that you put 100% in, not just for your customers, but for yourself.

3 - Show that you care

Showing that you care can mean more than one thing. We like to think of it in the following ways:

  • Giving your full attention to a task 
  • Really listening to someone when they’re speaking
  • Offering to help
  • Appreciating the people around you
  • Adding that human touch

Here at Admiral, looking after our colleagues and customers is our number one priority. We care, and we want to find people that care too. From that very first week, you can show us just how much impact you’ll make in a Customer Advisor role.

4 - Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Now you might be thinking, “But you just said the first week is my chance to show just how brilliant I am, and now you’re telling me to ask for help?” Yes, you’re right. But reaching out for support doesn’t mean your manager will think you’re not up to the job.

Actually, your manager wants you to reach out. They want to know when you need help because this is how you develop and reach your full potential. Plus, no one is expecting you to have all the answers in week one.

Do you want to find a job that motivates you?

We really believe that people who like what they do, do it better. It’s just one of the things that define our culture at Admiral. We know that training, self-development and purpose all matter. What you get at Admiral is more than just a job. You’ll lay down the foundations for a meaningful career. Sounds like a great place to work, right?

We haven’t even mentioned the benefits yet. They include achievable monthly incentives, continual improvement training, remote working opportunities and a dedicated team that supports and encourages healthy wellbeing. That’s not all though. Head to our contact centre page to learn more about our Customer Advisor role and what’s in it for you.


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