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What's it like to work at Admiral Law?

Want to know more about what it's like to work at our law firm, Admiral Law? We had a chat with Abigail Smyth who joined Admiral Law in 2017 as a Case Handler, before progressing through many roles to where she is now as a Team Manager, motivating her team daily and being part of their own career progression. 

What drew you to role at Admiral Law?

Before coming to Admiral, I worked for another law firm with a more traditional set up which had limited options to progress. It was very much Case Handler and management, with not much in between. The progression ladders at Admiral Law appealed to me because it was so much more varied, with Case Handler, Advanced Case Handler, Senior, Team Manager, and onwards to Operational level roles.

I also really liked that Admiral Law has client-orientated values rather than just treating them as numbers. We deal with clients at one of their most vulnerable times. Having structures in place to make the personal injury process as smooth as possible for them has always been important to me.

Finally, I knew I wanted to be with a company that rewarded and recognised its people. Admiral Law offers stability for my personal life, and was somewhere I could see myself grow through the ‘adult’ periods of life, like getting a house and having children - I’m holding off on the children for now!

Can you explain your career since joining?

I joined Admiral Law in 2017 as a Non-Fault Personal Injury Case Handler in what was then known as the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) department. During my role I developed vital client care skills and achieved a higher number of settlements for them through the MOJ portal.

After just over a year of joining Admiral Law, I progressed to Advanced Case Handler, which saw me take on greater responsibility. I was an advocate on the team for performance and was involved in a few initiatives in the department and wider business.

In 2019, I had another opportunity to progress and was promoted to Senior Case Handler, which enabled me to take on more managerial responsibilities such as co-ordinating monthly 121s with Handlers, conducting quality reviews, and dealing with more complex injury claims. During my senior role, the Whiplash Reforms took place, and I played a key role in training Handlers and developing processes we now use daily in our renamed Official Injury Claim (OIC) department.

Last year I achieved a Seconded Team Manager role, which was made permanent a few months ago. I currently manage a diverse team of eight Case Handlers who are a fantastic bunch of people! I love working with them every day, and relish being part of their progression.

The personal injury field has experienced some landmark changes over the past few years, and I’ve been very lucky to be part of a law firm that’s able to adapt and thrive. I’ve always felt supported and feel I can be myself here. I’ve had an amazing journey so far and I can’t wait for it to keep going.

What’s your favourite part of your role?

Playing a key role in the career progression of Case Handlers, and helping to build a safe and enjoyable place to work. I was in their position not so long ago, and I’ve had some incredible managers, so I’m really keen to provide similar experiences for them.

What do you like the most about working at Admiral Law?

100% the people I work with. Sounds cheesy but I’ve met friends for life and have enjoyed working with fantastic people. Getting up for work in the morning is made much easier knowing I’ll be spending the day with my team. There’s a real family feel in the OIC department at Admiral Law.

Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about a career move to Admiral Law?

Put in the hard work and you’ll be rewarded. I’ve found the more effort I’ve put in, the more I’ve got out of my career. Take those opportunities and get involved, we have many ways colleagues can make a difference, from client care initiatives to organising social events. Put your name forward and get yourself out there!

Where might we find you when you’re not working?

I’m a massive sports fan, you’ll find me watching Liverpool, Wrexham, Kansas City Chiefs and Exeter Chiefs (Chief theme unintentional). I enjoy keeping active through the week by taking part in a boxing class and Saturday morning park runs. You’ll often see me cycling around Cardiff city centre, especially as the weather gets better and evenings get lighter. I find exercise a great way to unwind.

Achieve your development goals at Admiral Law

We’re always on the look out for ambitious, motivated people who can make an impact just like Abigail to join our Admiral Law team. If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding career, why not take a look at some of our current roles?

Read also about How to Work from Home Successfully


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