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Whistle-stop Wednesdays – Life of a Senior Pricing Analyst

Cerys joined Pricing straight after university and now sits as a Senior Pricing Analyst in Motor Pricing, part of the ever-growing Pricing and Advanced Analytics department.

Read on to hear Cerys’ journey.

What do you currently do in Admiral?
I’m a Senior Pricing Analyst in the Motor Pricing Department and I’ve been in Admiral for just under 5 years. I started my Admiral journey in August 2016! My job involves analysing data and using the results of that analysis to help inform changes to our pricing structure. I also provide pricing support for various projects that are going on around the business which involves working with a variety of people across a lot of different departments. As a Senior, I manage a small team of Analysts, which involves mentoring & training and helping them to achieve their goals and targets.

How did you get into your role?
I did a degree in Mathematics, Statistics & Operational Research at Cardiff University, and during my final year I started looking around for job opportunities. Admiral was the first place that I applied for as I had heard great things about the company. From reading about the Admiral culture and the values, it was the exact sort of company that I wanted to work for. I saw the job description for a role within the Pricing department and the role sounded really interesting to me, so I applied and was successful in my application. I then applied to become a Senior Pricing Analyst in October 2019 and have now been a Senior for just under 18 months.

What do you enjoy most about your work?
I really enjoy the variety of my job - I work on a variety of different projects and pieces of work and no two days are ever the same. So, I’m constantly looking at new, interesting things and always learning new things. I love that the work I do actually makes a difference – from day one in Pricing you feel valued, and I can see that the work I’m doing has a big effect on our customers.

What's the most exciting change or project happening in Motor Pricing?
My team and I look after the pricing of our Telematics products, so I get to work with the Telematics department really closely and I’m quite heavily involved in a number of the projects and new initiatives going on around our Telematics offerings, so it’s exciting to be a part of that.

Do you think there are lots of opportunities to grow and develop here?
My manager and I regularly discuss my goals and what I want to achieve at length - how I’m going to achieve those goals, what resources I need to achieve them and what my manager can do to help me get there. Encouraging learning and development is a really big part of what makes Admiral great. Admiral offer loads of great training courses and we're really encouraged to attend any that they think would be helpful. We also have the “Buy a Book Scheme” which is great if you want to learn more about a specific area or topic.

What’s the culture like in Pricing and how has it adapted with remote working?
Pricing is a really friendly department to work in. Everyone in the department is approachable and helpful and you’re made to feel welcome from day one. We have social lunches regularly and it means that everyone has the opportunity to spend some time with other people in the department that you wouldn’t always work with. Our Fun Committee also do a great job of organising fun activities, Christmas parties & away days. Lockdown has meant that we’ve had to change how we arrange activities and how we maintain the culture. We now have a lot of virtual social lunches and virtual quizzes and even a virtual Christmas party.


View our current vacancies in Pricing.

Read about Whistle-stop Wednesdays: Exploring new opportunities after 6.5 years as a Senior Pricing Analyst


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